This letter was published in the Nov. 1, 2010, issue of The News-Sentinel
By Donna Volmerding
We have watched as our country voted in the most leftwing Congress and the most leftwing president in history. We are appalled by out-of-control spending, unsustainable debt and a massive government usurpation of our rights and our God-given liberties guaranteed to "we the people" in the Constitution. We are witnessing monstrous corruption, colossal voter fraud and an elitist class that refuses to listen to the concerns of its voters. We are disgusted by the government takeover of private businesses, banks and insurance companies. We are outraged with Obamacare and government-run healthcare, with a financial reform law that doesn't even address the original problem(s) (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) and with the arrogance that our leaders display toward us.
In my lifetime, this election may be the most important one in which we have ever participated. If you don't know the issues, you have no excuse for your ignorance. For those who understand the tenuous place our constitutional republic is in, I implore you, please vote. Don't sit on the sidelines. The future of our children and grandchildren depends on what we do now. God will hold us accountable for what we do and for what we don't do.