(This letter was published in the Feb. 3, 2011, issue of The News-Sentinel.)
By Donna Volmerding
I love reading columnist Charles Krauthammer and watching his commentary on television. He wrote an excellent column on the “flimflammery” of Obamacare in the January 24th News-Sentinel.
When I read the original article published in another paper, however, it ended with a brilliant statement that was edited out in the News-Sentinel column. It is imperative that your reading audience be made aware of this essential analysis.
Krauthammer wrote: “ ... amending an insanely complicated, contradictory, incoherent and arbitrary 2,000-page bill that will generate tens of thousands of pages of regulations is a complete non-starter. Everything begins with repeal.”
“Everything begins with repeal.” To that I add a resounding “Amen"!